Friday, January 15, 2010

The Holy Roman Empire Is Back!

A foundational prophecy of your Bible has just been fulfilled!  The perfect military storm is about to explode.  LET THE WORD BEWARE!

The Holy Roman Empire became official January 1, 2010.  On that date, the European Union implemented its diplomatic service and appointed other officials.  That made the Holy Empire official.

Now they have already begun to build their own military, which is destined to become a world-shaking superpower!

The EU constitution was signed in November 2009.  It is far from being a democratic constitution.  The EU is absolutely domineered by Germany - a nation that started World Wars I and II!

The empire is to be guided by the Vatican.  That makes it a church-state combine - hence, the name Holy Roman Empire.  But if you look at the previous six heads of that empire, you will see that it was the opposite of Holy!

The Holy Roman Empire has seven heads.  The seventh is now on the scene.  The first head began in A.D. 554 and was ruled by Justinian.  The sixth head ended at the conclusion of World War II in 1945.  It was ruled by madman Adolf Hitler, one of the bloodiest tyrants in the history of man.

According to your Bible, the seventh head will be the bloodiesr of all - by far!

The world is so ignorant about the Holy Roman Empire that people don't see what is happening!  Even most Europeans don't understand.

Otto von Habsburg was a member of the European Parliament only a few years ago.  Here is what he said: The (European) Community is living largely by the heritage of the Holy Roman Empire, through the great majority of the people who live by it don't know by what heritage they live."

The undemocratic constitution the EU signed was called the Libson Treaty.  Few people even understand what this treaty is.  Such deceitful tactics are why most people in Europe and the world are unaware of what is really happening.  The EU has just created a constituion for the Holy Roman Empire.

The EU is now comprised of 27 nations.  But your Bible says it will have 10 kings.  That means this political-religious union is about to be radically reduced.  Perhaps another financial crisis, or some other disaster, will produce that result.

Making the EU smaller will make it much less democratic, more unified, and more powerful - so powerful that it will start World War III!

It is high time people understand what is happening in Europe!  The Holy Roman Empire has risen six times in Europe.  EACH TIME, it has soaked the continent in blood.  The seventh head is going to shed blood around the world.  Its past strongly indicates what it will do in the future.  Its history alone should make people tremble with fear today!

Thankfully, this will be the seventh and last head of this empire.  Then this world is going to be filled with peace, joy and abundance forever!  That too is prophesied in the Bible and must be fulfilled - just as the prophesied seven heads of the Holy Roman Empire have been.

Here is what Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt stated in a document signed in February 1945, toward the end of World War II:  "It is our inflexible purpose to destory German militarism and Nazism and to ensure Germay will never again be able to disturb the peace of the world."

Why were they determined to never let German militarism disturb the world's peace again?  Because that military had started two two world wars!  (It also started a war with France in 1870 and conquered one half of that country.)

Churchill and Roosevelt knew the history of Germany.  But most of our leaders today have forgotten that history - it they ever knew it!